Tuesday 7 January 2014

Time Management

During my time outside of my lesson I have done some research looking at newspapers and have created a little list of what to add in the 1st page of my newspaper and a flat plan below. Within the next few weeks I will be creating my actual products using Photoshop and Wix.

Monday 6 January 2014

Character Profiles

For my newspaper products my character profile for the people I want to feature in my products is people from the local community, who are positive about their local and so I have represented every type of person from the local community so as to not alienate them and so I have included teenagers who have followed their music and arts careers, local business owners who are celebrating something in the news, but also for people who don't fall under that bracket I have included local landmarks as this is what most North East people are proud of and will know and so I created articles which celebrated how many years it has been open and local events which included local landmarks.