Wednesday 26 March 2014

Generic Codes and Conventions of My Product(s) and Similar

Below is a venn diagram of typical conventions and codes of product(s) like mine and how I've stuck to/repeated conventions and how I have differentiated/subverted my products, whilst applying the theories I have learnt so far:

Tuesday 25 March 2014

My Product and a Similar Product - Sunderland Echo

Below is an annotation of a similar newspaper and my newspaper and how they are similar in the conventions that they share:

GQ Magazines - Beyonce and Ryan Gosling

Below is two magazines which I have annotated using venn diagrams to say how they differentiate and are similar.


Run Lola Run - How it sticks to conventions and subverts conventions

In this post I have photocopied a venn diagram explaining how Run Lola Run stuck and subverted conventions using some of the theories I had learnt and how they applied to the film.

Friday 21 March 2014

Genre Introduction

Genre is a style of work, it can also be classed as different categories and has specific target audience for each genre.

The word 'genre' is borrowed from the French ('kind') and derived Latin genus and Greek gĂ©nos and in all three the basic meaning of the word means kind, a stylistic category or sort and/or class.

Expectation of cultural Experiences
Below is the typical codes and conventions that we as an audience identify in films:

- Music                                                                                     
- Colours 
- Lighting                                           
- Editing
- Props
- Camera Work
 = this is the cinematic style of a film such as mise en scene

There is also representations, themes, narratives/plots and iconography (we would recognise a black taxi as being a Lonodon cab) that we as an audience see in films that we recognise and see in films and put them to be in a certain place.


.For example in this film there is the Eiffel Tower in the background and so as an audience we know that the setting is in Paris.

How has Genre changed over the years?

Genre Theories

Steve Neale
'Genre are instances of repetition and difference; this is what pleasure for ther audience is derived from.'

Examples - Romance
There is usually male and female characters who are the main characters and it is usually about their love or them falling out of love. Hitch in a way doesn't repeat this typical genre convention as it talks about what love is about as both characters are guarded with falling in love and analytical about the impact it has on people which may have been done to subvert and differentiate the genre of the film yet still keeps to enough conventions to keep the gernes audience. The actors themselves are also not your typical actors as Will Smith and Eva Mendes aren't  
                                                                          your typical white hero and victim.
However this being said there is another love story in the film which has your typical white couple about a beautiful women who doesn't notice a geeky, fat loving man and then due to intervention she sees him and falls in love, they get married and there is new equilibrium (Kevin James and Amber Valetta)
Her is another film which subverts the typical romance genre and differentiates from most romantic films from the past as there may be a male and female characters who are the main characters, however Her is a newly purchased operating system that's designed to meet his every need and it is an unlikely relationship as he is lonely writer and so in some ways the conventions are repeated yet they are still differentiated to bring in historical context of the time as technology, computer and the media are very important and used frequently in today's society whereas a few years ago this plot wouldn't have happened as people wouldn't have understood it. By doing this it keeps the audience drawn to the film as it is constantly developing with the times and its audience whilst still keeping core conventions and what the audience expects so that the producers minimise the risk of financial failure.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Application of Theories on the Run Lola Run Film

Below is the application of the theories I have learnt so far and is being applied to the Run Lola Run Film.

Friday 14 March 2014

Mood Board of Ideas and Inspirations for all Newspaper Products

During the course of production, research and construction etc I have found lots of things which have inspired me in some way to either change my idea or to add something to my newspaper products and so below is all of the above things:

Thursday 13 March 2014

Cinderella - Propps' Character Type Theory

For this blog post I have annotated the Cinderella story using the Propp's Character Type and which character fits which typical character in the story.

Structuralism Worksheet

This is a worksheet of what I thought structuralism meant after learning it in the first session.

Barthes Codes

This is Barthes codes a Theory which I have learned about and have also learned how to apply to media texts. 


Image Results

Image Results

Below is the result of all of my planning for the images:



I decided to choose these images as for some of the other images that I had taken were blurry, had other people in the shot, the expression of my model(s) was what I wanted, their body language signified what I wanted it to signify, but most importantly the shot type was what I wanted as it captured the essence and signified the text from the article in the article's image.