Monday 24 June 2013


Below is the product which I produced last year:

FRONT PAGE: I believe that for all it sticks to the conventions of magazine as it has medium shot, it uses a masthead at the top of the page which is similar to Billboard magazines' masthead, it also has a main sell-line and other sell-lines, it also has the price, barcode, date of the edition and websites. However on reflection I find that it doesn't look how a magazine should as it looks flat, the background looks pale, the edit of her hair looks unprofessional and the text doesn't look good either.  Also there is a lot of free, blank space which I could of used up to make it look more like a real magazine.   

CONTENTS PAGE: This page also looks unprofessional and the images and the page as a whole looks flat. The lines look too straight, rather than at angles which would probably appeal more to my target audience. The front cover in the left hand side should also be at an angle as it looks too formal. My whole page looks pale as I have used the same types of colours throughout which means that none of what I have got on the page stands out. Also there is a lot of free, blank space which I could of used up to make it look more like a real magazine. However, this being said I have stuck to a few of the conventions as I have used a layout structure/composition of an existing newspaper, but I could have put a lot more articles along the side as there would have been a lot more articles for a monthly magazine. Also my subscription part of the page is too big and spread out. I have also added page numbers and the masthead at the bottom of the pages which existing magazines do which keeps to the conventions.

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD: This page was done quite well to magazine conventions as I used columns for my text, I had a few pull quotes, I changed my font type and text colour so that it stood out against the rest of the page. I have also added page numbers and the masthead at the bottom of the pages which existing magazines do which keeps to the conventions. I have also used an image on the right hand page is what they do in existing magazines, however as it is a double page spread I should have used another image which would make the page as a whole look better.

MY MAGAZINE: I have also thought of my colour palette as I have used the same colours all the way through which gives my magazine continuity. I also tried to do this with my models clothes, however they give different connotations of my models personality as on one it looks modern and contemporary and on another it has the connotations of old with the type of dress she is wearing.

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