Friday 20 September 2013

Feedback on Newspaper, Poster and Website Pitch

From doing this pitch I was able to define what was good about my product and the areas I needed to improve on.

The comments that I was given can be seen below:

- Adverts used for newspaper
- Price
- Could your advertisement be that it is the 1st edition.

From this feedback I found that I could also include a price for my newspaper and this feedback has also inspired me to change my idea for my poster so that it is advertising the first edition of my product. Also from this feedback it has made me think on what type of adverts should be used for my product.

I also received feedback which can be seen below:

- Would another company be better competition?
- More experience with your age group?
- Red little title implies tabloid - Is that what your market wants?
- local celeb/ interest - good
- Striking image/text - good
- The look of a magazine in a newspaper - appeals to younger crowd
- Inside page - social network
- What local adverts would appeal?
- Look at a variety of covers/pages

- Use of logo/ writing tone and style
- How will a video reflect your style? - The Sun is a funny/jokey style, for a specific type of class (working class)
- Advertising that differientiats you from the competition

- Keep brand colours
- Variety of content
- Adverts for local businesses and the paper itself
- Video clips good/ news like but dry in their delivery - does it appeal to your age range?

From this feedback I found that I need to look at existing newspapers and finds out how I can 
differentiate my product from existing products so that when I publish my product it won't be too similar to the ones that are already on my publishers. I also need to think about the colours I am going to use for my newspaper as I don't want it to be like any other tabloid and so I may not keep the red for my colour scheme, as it may mislead my target audience. For my newspaper I will try to keep to newspaper conventions, however I will also try to filter some magazine conventions as it will help to bring in the younger people from my target audience. This feedback has also made me think about what type of advertisements I want for my newspaper (local ones) such as advertisement of events happening in the local area. I also need to look at some more existing newspapers so that I can find out more conventions but also so that I can make the newspaper stand out against the others. 

From this feedback I also found out that for my advert I needed to look at my use of logo, writing tone and style as I want people to be intrigued in my advert so that they will buy my newspaper but I also don't want it to be too joke like as the news is meant to be taken seriously. However from looking at these newspaper advertisement like The Sun I have found that to advertise to my target audience I need to include topics that my target audeince could relate to. For my advert I also need to try and keep to the conventions of a newspaper advert but also make it appeal to my target audience so they don't continue to buy another newspaper, and not mine.

From the feedback for my website I realise that I need to keep a house style throughtout my product, however for my website I need to change the content slightly as the younger end of my target audience will be clicking onto my website and so I need to them more than I need to in the newspaper. Despite this though I also believe that there should be content for all of my target audienc to enjoy. From this feedback I also realised that I need to add local advertisements to my website as well as advertisement for my newspaper, as this is the way to link the two product together. I also need to think about the tone of my video for my website as it is still needs to be serious but it also needs to keep my target audience interested.

I also received received feedback which can be seen below:

- Use new technologies such as social media to appeal to a younger audience.
- Based on target audience, perhaps a more informal than formal tone.
- Big, gripping story on inside page(s).
- Perhaps talk about the language used on websites too (formal/informal)

From this feedback I realise that I need to add social network buttons need to be added such as Facebook, Twitter etc, and by doing this it will help to get my target audience interested in my newspaper. I also rethought my idea of having a formal tone for my website as for all news needs to be taken serious to help to appeal to my target audience I will need to give my website an informal tone. However this being said my actual newspaper will try to be more formal as it will be targeted at the older side of my target audience as generally they are the people who read newspapers.

Some more of the feedback I was given can be seen below:
- More specific age range
- Red at top for background with black writing is too harsh and doesn't stand out enough.
- Sunday Post colour scheme looks more youthful and fresh.
- It it's a local paper the videos on the website could be voiced by someone with a local accent.

From this feedback I agree that I need to a have specific age range and so I have decided that for my website it will predominantly directed at 15-24 year olds and for the newspaper and poster it will mainly be directed to the 25-30 year olds. I also agree with the other feedback given in that I need to change my colour scheme so that it will attract to my target audience and I was thinking of maybe using shades of blue, so it doesn't look too similar to existing tabloids/newspapers. I also agree that I should use a person with a local accent for my video as my product will try to focus on the local area and about the local people.

The final piece of feedback can be seen below:
- It is aimed at a young audience - simplistic - well constructed
- Ideas were understandable - talk about the author - humor
- You could put the temperature on the website as it will be easier to update.
- You could research a local newspaper and see how it appeals to the local audience.

From this feedback I agree that I need to add the temperature to my website as this is what they typically do on existing newspaper websites and this feature may also be helpful to my target audience and help to appeal to them too. I also agree that researching into more detail and finding out what the local audience thinks about their local papers will be benefitial as I will be able to find out what and what not to do.  

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