Friday 27 September 2013

Generic Conventions

Generic Conventions

In this post I will make reference to generic conventions that I intend to follow or change/
challenge for my newspaper products.

To keep to the conventions of a newspaper which is for the North East I intend to use the same sort of colours as the Sunderland Echo and other local newspapers; red, white, black and blue. I intend to use these colours as it will make my audience recognise who the newspaper product is for but I have also used the blue so that it stands out against different newspaper products.

I have looked at existing newspaper products and have noticed they all tend to use the same style of layout and so I intend to imitate the existing newspaper products so again it will make my audience recognise who the newspaper product is for but I have also used it because I know it works for other audiences and also because it looks professional, informative yet uncluttered.

I intend to use the same sort of content for my newspaper products as I have found from researching existing newspaper products that they signify and represent what I want my newspaper products to be like and so some of my ideas for my newspaper products have come from existing newspaper articles.

North East Niche
I also intend to use landmarks to represent the North East like the Sunderland Echo does as it helps to visually signify where the newspaper is from and who the newspaper is for. I intend to include people from the North East as readers want to read about what is happening in their local area to real people they may know not celebrities; this is what my niche is and the draw to my newspaper products.

I intent to use the same formal wording yet my syntax will signify friendliness and be understandable for the average North East man and women. I have gained from my research into newspaper products as well as magazines and adverts that to entice my audience into my products you need to be able to sell what the North East has to offer as well as talk about the negatives such as the crime in the local area and about jobs; a North East audience will want to talk about real life things but will also want to read about other people’s problems and events as it acts as a diversion for them from their real life and so that they can put their own lives into perspective (diversion, Uses andGratifications).

The ways in which I want to challenge generic conventions is that I want my newspaper and website and poster to be about real people from the North East, not about celebrities from America but the North East’s heroes, winners etc. So in short the way in which my products challenge generic convention is through my niche; to include people from the North East as readers want to read about what is happening in their local area to real people they may know not celebrities.

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