Wednesday 25 September 2013

General and Specifics For My Target Audience

Below is the general and specific details of who my target audience is:

General - In this section there is a list of things I need to think about for my target audience and who my target audience is:
-         Age - 15-30 year olds
-         Gender - Male and Female
-    Occupation - Working Class
-         Colour
-         Ownership
-         Publisher
-         Tone
-         Storyline
-         Price
-         Layout
-         Local Advertisements
-         Local Events

Specifics - In this section I will talk about what type of things my target audience might like and below I will also apply how Blumler and Katz relate to my target audience: 
-         Diversion – It could be a diversion for my target audience as they will be able to escape from their worries to somebody else’s.
-         Personal Identity – My target audience (the local people) will be looking at jobs/careers.
-         Personal Relationship – The newspaper/website could include an ‘agony aunt’. The audience could form a relationship with the writer’s, photographer, editors etc.
-         Surveillance – My product may include surveillance in that it will allow them to keep an eye on what’s happening in their local area; sport, news, events etc.
-         My target audience will be interested in the local community, will have a low income and are working class who would probably watch ITV News.
-         For my products I will try to have a newspaper which is not too political, however there will be a political tone of the local area.
-         My target audience will be interested in the local people and local celebrities.
-         My target audience will be the type of people who will plan to go on staycation holidays rather than going abroad. 

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