Friday 4 October 2013

Technical Elements of Script

Starting Point
At the beginning of a script it starts off by using an edit such as a 'Fade In'.

Scene Heading/Slugline
This part of the script tells everybody where they will be shooting (location) and what time they are shooting the scene (time of day). This is always done in capital letters, an example of this may be INT. MEDIA ROOM - DAY. By saying these things you are able to know when and where the shooting is taking place. The INT part means interior which means that it will be shot inside, however EXT will be used when it is being filmed outside and means exterior.

In this part of the script it tells you the events of what happens in the scene and is in present tense. An example of this narrative description may be; in the middle of Sunderland a charity shops light flickers.

For this part of the script it shows a characters name in capitals. An example of this may be; MIKE the drummer, brings down his hands with as much aggression as an angry bear. A charcters name is above his or her dialogue, however if it is a small part it may not be listed or may just say 'Customer'.

This part of the script is used to show a characters line of speech and is used when a character is talking on and off-screen, including voice overs.

This part of the script only appears on a shooting script and are used to describe the edit from one shot to the next one (film editing instructions). An example of this is CUT TO: or DISSOLVE TO:.

This part of the script is used so that when it is being filmed the viewer will be able to know that the focal point within a scene has changed.

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