Friday 25 October 2013

Potential Problems

Potential Problems

A problem which I may have is that my image may not go with the layout and so to solve this problem I have planned to take a lot of images which vary in shot type, angle etc and if this doesn't work I could change the layout to suit the image.

Another problem may be that the photographs may be the wrong colour, have too much shade/light on them(be under/over exposed), or unprofessional and so to solve this problem I could do test shots to make sure that the photograph is good, but if it still proceeds I have got another two sessions planned so I have planned for this. I could also change the image using Photoshop so that my image looks how I want it to look.

For my images I will also have to make sure I have enough images before I start to create my products and so to make sure I have the right amount of images I will take my flat plans and inspirational texts with me to make sure that I get the images I want and additional images just in case the images I take don't work out.  

A problem that I may have with my articles is that I may create articles that are too long and so to compensate this I would either take some off or change the size of the text whilst making sure that the overall appearance and aesthetics still looks good and professional.

Another problem I will have to face is making sure that the language style and technique fits my product and my target audience and so to make sure that I don't deviate from either I will check existing products to make sure they sound similar, throughout the development and creation process.

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