Friday 4 October 2013


A storyboard is what film makers use to help visualize what is going to happen in the programme/film, shot by shot, whilst explaining the editing during the filming as well as showing how the characters should be standing (body language/facial expression), what they should be doing in the shot (action) and the relationship between the actors in the shot.
For storyboards you need to include where the filming is set (location).

For storyboarding you also need to think about who will be in the shot, as it needs to look like real life and may need to have a few actors in the background if it is in a school setting for example to make it believable.

When doing your storyboards you need to think about props, because if you are doing a close up on a knife, you need to have the appropriate prop ready to film.

When creating your storyboard you also need to think if the person/object in the shot is moving and in which direction, if so you will need to use an arrow to represent the direction.

You also need to include the camera movements, for example if you were panning a character you would need to put this and which direction you were doing it in.

Shot Type/Angle
When doing the storyboards you also need to think about what type of shot should be used, to make it look believable but also so your viewer can understand the action(s), whether that be a close up, establishing shot etc. You also need to think about the angle of the shot, if a character is meant to be a victim you will need to move the camera so that it is a low angle shot.

Also when doing storyboarding you need to think about how you want the camera to be used because if you have a tripod it gives connotations of steadiness, equililbrium, however if you use a hand held camera it will give connotations that equililbrium has been diruped (conflict).

When doing your storyboards you also need to think about lighting as the wrong lighting may convey the wrong connotations to the viewer as lighting helps to convey a mood. For example candle light may convey danger as the power has gone out or romance.

Special Effects
When doing your storyboards you need to think anout if you are going to include special effects such as explotions or computer generated effects, or for a newspaper report you may need to think about including a jingle or a cut from your logo to presenter. You will also have to think about putting audio over a characters dialogue such as music.

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