Friday 25 October 2013

The Recce for my Newspaper Products

The Recce for My Newspaper Products & Potential Problems
Potential Hazards

During the shooting process I will try to ensure minimal health and safety risks as I will be shooting on location and in the studio so that my newspaper products look both professional and realistic. The main safety risk is shooting in Penshaw as I will need to ensure that I don’t go too close to the road to get the correct shot or fall over on the ground whilst shooting at and near Penshaw Monument and so to ensure that I don’t I will place my footing correctly before taking a shot. Another potential hazard is in the studio as there is many cables for lights and various other materials and objects which can be tripped on and so to ensure that this doesn’t happen I will do a walkthrough before shooting to make sure there is no hazards.

Another factor I’ve considered is weather and how it will affect the outcome of my images as a different time of day will signify a different mood and signify something else. So to ensure that I signify the correct mood and have the right lighting in the studio so that it doesn’t look fake or artificial I will organise my shooting times so that it gets the right time of day and gets the best amount of light in the image. I have also planned to use certain objects which don’t reflect light if I need to use the flash or if I need to take a photograph which has a reflective surface like a window I’ll not use the flash or get a picture which doesn’t reflect the flash.

The background is also another factor I have considered through my idea process as there may be other people in the shot or other objects which might signify the wrong thing in the image and change the context of the article and entire newspaper product. To ensure that this doesn’t happen I will again organise my shooting times so that it is the right time of day, so that people will be at work etc but most importantly I will try and take a photo of the place/object/person etc so that that is the main focus. I will also take many shots so that if there is a lot of people in the shot I can use other shots.

Most of the photographs I have planned to take will be outside venues so that my audience know where the place is and how it looks at the road side as taking a photograph from the inside might not give my audience an indication of where it is and this is the whole entire draw for my audience; that it is in a local setting which they will recognise.

As well as on location shoots I have also booked a studio room in Shiney Row College as it has the facilities for my work as it will enable me to get professional looking photographs that I can put into my newspaper products.

I have planned to use my own car and arranged a time which will suit which is best for me and my models and have asked them to bring multiple pairs of shoes, clothing, makeup etc so that if it doesn’t look right, then and there I can change it. I have also asked one of my models to bring a tripod but if she can’t make it I have asked lecturers at the college to see if I could borrow their equipment if needs be. During each process I have tried to think of all the things I would need and all the extra things I could plan in advance if it were to go wrong and so if I needed more than that day for shooting I have already planned another day which was again arranged around a time which was best for me, the models, the opening times of the college and the lighting which needed to be in the image.

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