Thursday 24 October 2013

Time Management

So far I have learned about Uses and Gratifications (Blumler and Katz) which included Diversion, Personal Identity, Personal Relationships and Surveillance and learnt the definitions and how to relate it to my products. I have also leant about shot types; close up, extreme close up, medium shot, medium close up, long shot, establishing shot, two shot, low angle shots, high angle shots, framing, foreground and background, 180 degree rule, tracking shots, tilt/pans and I have also learnt about how to identify them and when they are typically used. I have also learnt about storyboarding on how to structure them and learnt what different elements of it means. I have also leant about the (video) camera itself, filmed, produced, directed and starred in a clip we made about shot types, and in doing so I learnt how to do the above roles as well as learn about the camera, implement the shot types I had learnt and then go on to edit it so that it had music, transitions, edit text in and was cut in the correct places. I have also learnt through my research about newspapers, newspaper posters and newspaper website and how they use Uses and Gratifications to make their products, as well as deconstructing existing products and reconstructing the posters so that I learnt the techniques so that when it comes to producing my products I know how to use the software.

All of the above have helped me develop my skills as well as many other things that I have done in A2 Media, and these skills will help me to create my website, poster and newspaper. Next I will be starting my website, creating my 1st draft for my website, so that when it comes to my finished product I will know what to write, what layout I want, colours I want to use etc.

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