Tuesday 6 May 2014

My Final Products

Front Cover of Newspaper

Contents Page of Newspaper

Poster for Newspaper

And the link for my website for my newspaper is:

Sunday 4 May 2014

Question 3

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I know from peer and lecturer feedback (which in turn was my initial target audience and my lecturers are my actual target audience) that my target audience needed to be a little older as my initial age range was too young in that they wouldn’t have been interested in newspapers but in magazines. However I still tried to stick to a young target audience as I wanted my target audience to be a new newspaper audience, someone who didn’t usually look at newspapers as they are too political etc. 

I also had peer and lecturer feedback on the pricing of my newspaper as it needed to be low enough so that people would be able to buy with change when they were going to the shop but not too cheap in that the whole of my newspaper looked cheap and unrealistically priced and so due to audience feedback I was able to find a middle ground.

From doing a pitch in front of my peers and my lecturer I was able to gain feedback on my product whilst in was still in its construction stages. 

From the first person’s audience feedback I found that I could include a price for my newspaper products as it would help draw my target audience with it being a new, cheap but professional newspaper for their local area and about the local people. Another point which inspired me to change my idea completely for my newspaper advert was when my target audience asked that ‘Could your advertisement be that it is the 1st edition’, which made me realise that the best way to target my audience was to present my newspaper to my audience through the newspaper poster as a new newspaper launch.  Another point which was raised to my attention was that I needed to look up what a typical new launch newspaper poster looked like for example I needed to know layout, colour scheme, logos/taglines etc which was why I researched into more depth about new newspapers and how they advertised new products.

From another person’s comments/feedback I found that I needed to look at existing newspapers and find out how I can differentiate my product from existing products so that when I publish my product it wouldn’t be too similar to existing products that my publisher is on. I also needed to think about the colours I was going to use for my newspaper as I didn’t want it to be like any other tabloid/newspaper and so I was debating if I should use my colour scheme (red, black, blue and white), however after looking at other existing newspapers I decided to stick with my colour scheme as no other newspaper used the colours together the way that I had. For my newspaper I also tried to keep to newspaper conventions, however I also tried to filter some magazine conventions as it would help to bring in the younger audience which is my target audience. This feedback also made me think about what type of advertisements I wanted in my newspaper products as it is a local newspaper I should have local companies and so this is what I tried to incorporate into my newspaper articles and advertisements. I also needed to look at existing newspapers so that I could define more conventions and apply them to my newspaper as it would help to make my newspaper look like a newspaper but also subvert some of the conventions so that it stood out against other newspapers on the shelf.

From another audience feedback I found that for my newspaper advert I needed to look at my use of logo, writing tone and style as I wanted people to be intrigued in my advert so that they would buy my product and go online to subscribe and have a look at my online product. I wanted my tone to be humorous as it fits my target audience, however I didn’t want the tone of my newspaper advert to be too humorous as news is meant to be taken seriously. For example from looking at existing advertisements I found that like newspaper like The Sun newspaper that I needed to include topics that my target audience could relate to which was why I used social media and web links on my advertisement as the younger generation are more internet savvy and so I used these links to draw them into my newspaper. For my advertisement I tried to keep to conventions but also make it pleasing on the eye and simple as it would help draw my target audience into my product, instead of another newspaper product.

From the feedback for my website I realised that I needed to keep a house style throughout my product, however for my website I need to change the content slightly and the layout of my content as my younger audience will be more internet savvy and so will probably clicking onto my website and so need to draw them in more with the internet benefits of my product; subscription. However this being said my website will appeal to all age ranges throughout my intended target audience as it will have the same articles and article types and topics. From this feedback I also realised that I needed to add local advertisements to my website as well as advertisements for my newspaper as this is the way to keep all of my products connected and give it a flow. 

I again received feedback for my products and realised that I needed to add social network buttons such as Twitter and Facebook etc, as by doing this it will help to keep my target audience interested and being connected to my product. I also rethought my idea of having a formal tone to my website as for all news needs to be taken seriously as it is aimed at a young audience it needs to have a light tone/manner. However this being said my actual newspaper will be more formal as it will be targeted at my older target audience as stereotypically they 
are the ones who read newspapers.

Another feedback comment was that I needed to have a ‘More specific age range’ and so I decided that for my website it will predominantly directed at a 15-24 year olds and for the newspaper and poster it will mainly be directed to the 25-30 year olds. I also agreed with the feedback which said that I needed to change my colour scheme so that it will attract my target audience and I was thought that I could use shades of blue, so that it didn’t completely resemble existing tabloids/newspapers. 

I was also given feedback on that I should add the temperature to my website as this is what they typically do on existing newspapers and websites and so I implemented this idea into my products as the feature is helpful to my target audience and will help to make my products appeal to them. 

Question 3

Sunday 27 April 2014

Question 2

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My products are effective in that I stuck to the local newspaper brief and to the conventions of newspaper products and so my newspaper products must be effective in the sense that existing newspapers must be effective if they have audiences/readers who continue to sell into their products regularly enough that what they are doing to draw their audience is effective. So for my newspaper products I have used a unique colour palette (red, black, white and blue) yet still keeping  to the typical colour conventions of a local, North East, newspaper as they use simple colours and simple layout so as not to clutter the page and so as not to draw the eye in too many places. I have used this colour palette throughout my products as throughout my research I have found that by keeping everything the same colour it is effective in that it allows their audience to recognise it is their product, it makes it look professional and keeps a consistency throughout the products which gives the newspaper products a house style. Due to this flow from the front cover to the next page it will make readers want to continue reading which in turn will make readers want to buy another newspaper or visit my website.

I have used a simple layout for all of my products which is effective as they will all look similar which will give it a house style and also make it look connected but it will also be effective as certain articles/pieces of text/images will stand out on the page to make readers want to look and buy the newspaper, due to the layout of the front page of my newspaper, website and advert as it isn’t cluttered as by doing this it would make my target audience not want to buy into my product as their eye will de drawn to too many places and not focus on the important information which is key to selling newspaper products; price, which newspaper it is, who is it for and who has it got in.

I have also used the same logo/masthead, font style, articles and images as again it helps make the product look like a brand and like the newspaper products are like one but also that it is effective in that it makes my product look professional and keeps a consistency throughout the products which gives the newspaper products a house style. By doing this it also helps to keep my target audience connected to all of my products.

Throughout my products I have also used my logo (landmarks) as it gives the newspaper products consistency, makes it look professional and it is also effective as people from the North East will recognise the landmarks and it gives the newspaper an enigma in that they might question if their town or somebody they know is going to be featured in the newspaper which is effective in that it draws my audience in and makes them want to buy my product. I have also used my slogan/tag line throughout my newspaper products as it makes it look professional, makes it flow and gives the advert, newspaper and website a connection which my audience can recognise. 

Also with the combination of my newspaper products I will be able to appeal to multiple audience types as a person who isn’t very internet savvy can buy a newspaper or those who don’t want to buy a newspaper can go online to my website. 

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Question 4

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?
During the research and planning stage I have used Facebook as a way to connect to my target audience so that I could get audience feedback and advice on the products that I had produced and/or planned to produce at that stage. Another way in which I received feedback from my audience using new media technologies is by using Survey Monkey as it was a way of researching what my target audience liked, if I was aiming at the right audience type, pricing etc. Another way in which I have use Facebook is to create a page for the NEPublishing as my newspaper products needed to have a page to fit in with the social norms of newspaper conventions and how people use new media technologies in today’s world. I used Survey Monkey as without it I wouldn't have been able to get Feedback from my target audience.

I have also looked online and in print for research for newspapers, adverts (including video for inspiration for my newspaper products) and website page including sites that were and weren’t for newspaper just so that I could gauge what worked, what didn’t, what a typical layout was etc. I have also watched television which inspired me to add landmarks as well as from websites as companies from the North East advertise their company/product by putting local landmarks to draw in local people.



I have also created my website on Wix as it was a helpful way to create my site on a way which helped me to manage my own text, my own images, my own colour scheme, my own background etc. I used Wix as it helped me along the way to create my product but also it was a recommended website to use and the impact of using the website is that i was able to get a professional looking website.

During the construction stage and to the completion of my newspaper products I have used Photoshop to help photoshop images as well as using it as a way to put all of my text, images, colour backgrounds etc and create a layout which I liked and what my target audience would like too. I have used Photoshop as it is something I have used in the past and know how to use to my advantage and the impact of using it is that I have got a professional looking front cover, contents page and poster for my newspaper products.  

Also, during the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages I have used Blogger to post theories, ideas, things that I have learnt etc which was helpful as it helped to put all of my work together in one place. I have used Blogger as it is something I have used in the past and know how to use to my advantage and the impact of using it is that I have got a professional looking place where all of my product and research is collected, all in one place.  

I have also use Premiere Pro which I used to create a video so that I knew how to use the software in case I wanted to create a video for my newspaper products. The impact of using it is that I have got a professional video created.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Question 1

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form and conventions of media products? So to answer Question 1. I decided to present my answer using Prezi.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

                                     Audience Profiling For My Website Questions 

Q1: a. Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living? b. What are your interests?
I'm 17 and I'm a student. I am currently studying travel and tourism at college.
Q2: a. How often do you look at newspaper websites? b. Do you read newspapers online? Why? c. Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
I tend to read newspaper websites (daily mail) once/ twice a day - they are always updating it throughout the day and have news which interests me. Apart from the website I sometimes on occasions watch the news on tv.
Q3: a. For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example) b. i. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national) b. ii.. Why? c. What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
For a local newspaper website, it would have to contain recent/ up to date news of situations in the area, as well as upcoming events and things happening in the region. I am more interested in national newspapers than local as they have a wider variety of news than local ones do. To look at a new newspaper website online, it would need to be eyecatching, have pictures and be current with a variety of stories from different categories - worldwide, local, travel, fashion, celebrities etc.
Q4: a. i. What colours do they usually use? a. ii. Do you like the colours chosen? a. iii. Do they help persuade you or help in any way for you to read on? b. i. What type of font/text styles did they use? b. ii. Did you like the font used? b. iii. Why?
The colours are usually black and white - they only colour used is when pictures are included. Seeing an article with a short headline and a picture makes me want to read on. The font used is simple, bold in the headlines, and I like it as it is easy to read.
Q5: What type of layout would you like to have for a newspaper’s website? (eg. hyperlinked pages at the top of the screen)
The layout I'd like to have for a newspaper website would need to be easy to read with a range of eyecatching pictures with hyperlinks to read the articles.
Q6: a. What adverts are usually used? b. i.What images did they use? b. ii.Why do you think they used the images? b. iii. Did it work?
I don't always see adverts on the website - but when I have seen them they are usually adverts promoting their services or a beauty product/ perfume. Images used are usually plain and not as effective as they could be.
Q7: How often do you think newspaper websites are and/or should be updated?
Newspaper websites should be updated all times throughout the day when news is brought up so people are kept up to date with current situations.
Q8: a. Where would you look at a newspaper website? (mobile, computer) b. Would you like to see it available any where else? b. i. Would this make you want to have a look at the website?
I usually look at the website on my mobile. Having it available on computers and tablets would make me want to look at the website.
Q9: a. What do you think the typical age range is for people who read local newspaper websites? b. Do you think there should be a new local newspaper out there which is targeted for a younger audience? c. If so would you or someone you know look at it?
I think the typical age range is 17/18+, depending on the maturity of people. I think there should be a local paper targeted at younger people, I would read it.
Q10: a. i.Do you read the newspapers website as well as the newspaper itself? a. ii b. i. Are the newspapers you read different to the newspapers website? b. ii. If so how?
Sometimes I look at the paper as well as the website. The newspapers I read are not different to the website.

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

1) Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living?
 My name is Hannah and I am a student.
2) What are your interests?
 I like to read and write stories, as well as listening to music and drawing.
3) Do you read newspapers online? Why?
 Occasionally because if there are any recent stories or articles I like to read about them.
4) Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
5) a. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national)
b. Why?
 The Daily Mirror, Sunderland Echo, The Guardian, BBC. They are the most popular, excluding the Sunderland Echo.
6) What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
 An interesting article that I have heard elsewhere, for example on TV.
7) For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example)
 It would have to include something that interests me, or a story I want to learn more about, for example if I have heard about it on the TV or from family and friends.
8) What type of layout would you like to have for a newspaper’s website? (eg. hyperlinked pages at the top of the screen)
 Smart, simple and easy to navigate with clear directions to different parts of the site.
9) How often do you look at newspaper websites?
 Not very often.
10) How often do you think they are and/or should be updated?
 I think they are updated regularly.
11) a. Where would you look at a newspaper website? (mobile, computer)
b. Would you like to see it available any where else?
b. i. Would this make you want to have a look at the website?
12) a. What do you think the typical age range is for people who read local newspaper websites? 
 Probably anywhere from young adults to middle-aged.
b. Do you think there should be a new local newspaper out there which is targeted for a younger audience?
c. If so would you or someone you know look at it?
13) Is the newspaper website you read/like political? (if so how are they political and why do you like/dislike it)
 Most of the websites are because they are the most popular ones and write about a lot of political stories/scandals.
14) a. Do you read the newspapers website as well as the newspaper itself?
 Only the website.
b. Why?
 I don't buy newspapers.
15) a. Are the newspapers you read different to the newspapers website?
b. If so how?
 The layout is different.
16) a. Are the newspaper websites political in any way?
 It depends on which articles you are viewing.
b. If so how?
c. Do you like the political content it contains?
17) What type of stories do they have on the newspapers website?
 Anything varying from scandals and crimes, to wider news from all over the country and other countries.
b. i. Which stories do you like/dislike?
 I don't like anything to do with politics, other articles are interesting however.
ii. Why?
 Because politics doesn't interest me.
18) What is usually the main headline/story and other stories?
 Scandals or other crimes
19 a. What colours do they usually use?
 Bold colours to grab the viewers' attention
b. Do you like the colours chosen?
c. Do they help persuade you or help in any way for you to read on?
20) What adverts are usually used?
 Ones that relate to the article or ads from the internet
21) a. What images did they use?
 Images that relate to the specific article i.e. victims and/or criminals involved in a crime
b. Why do you think they used the images?
 To produce shock factor or empathy.
c. Did it work?
22) What type of font/text styles did they use?
 Bold, professional fonts; usually the headings are capitalised
b. Did you like the font used?
c. Why?
 Because it grabs your attention and draws you in.

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions
1) Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living?
 I am Rebecca, 17 years old and I currently studying Photography, Media Studies and IT at A2 Level and am not currently working.
2) What are your interests?
My interest are to do with the arts of Photography.
3) Do you read newspapers online? Why?
 I do read newspapers online and I feel that reading the news online is a much quicker way of reading the stories you want and it is easy to access compared to having to go to a shop and buy a newspaper.

4) Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
 I don't read the news in any other form however I do watch the news on the television as it has the latest headlines which last for 30 minutes and if I haven't been on the internet it is a good source of news.
5) a. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national)
b. Why?
 I am interested in both national and international news but like to hear about local events in my area that I can get involved in.
6) What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
 A range of different stories so that it would keep me entertained for example charity events or sporting achievements.
7) For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example)
 I think a mixture of all those things would interest he majority of people rather than just focusing on one specific area.

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions
1) Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living?
I am Eddy Ranson, and I am a student in Usworth College.
2) What are your interests?
 I particularly like listening to music, and general sport.
3) Do you read newspapers online? Why?
I do read the newspaper, but no online, as of me liking a piece of media in my hands to be better, I tend to do that.
4) Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
I tend to just type in on a search engine something that relates to news, and look over journals, and blogs.

5) a. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national)
I like both as much.
b. Why?
Whilst I find international news to be more of importance, it is good to know what is happening in, and supporting, my local area.

6) What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
It would usually have to contain the news of anything other than gossip, or celebrity-related news.

7) For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example)
I would like to see a local event being noted, as well as something rather happy to help promote the area in a positive way.

8) What type of layout would you like to have for a newspaper’s website? (eg. hyperlinked pages at the top of the screen)
A rather simplistic layout, that may have references (such as hyperlinks) if needed.

9) How often do you look at newspaper websites?
Pretty much never.

 10) How often do you think they are and/or should be updated?
I belive they may be read rather frequently, and would prefer to see a newspaper updated once a week, or quicker if a major news happening as commenced.

11) a. Where would you look at a newspaper website? (mobile, computer)

b. Would you like to see it available any where else?
It would be useful for it to be available on other forms of media, such as mobiles.

b. i. Would this make you want to have a look at the website?
No, just would be more convenient.

12) a. What do you think the typical age range is for people who read local newspaper websites? 
Generally late teens plus.

b. Do you think there should be a new local newspaper out there which is targeted for a younger audience?

c. If so would you or someone you know look at it?
Perhaps not, but would be good to see a way younger people can slowly progress into enjoying newspapers and the like.

13) Is the newspaper website you read/like political? (if so how are they political and why do you like/dislike it)
I generally don’t read newspaper websites, but if I did, I would like to see it rather political.

14) a. Do you read the newspapers website as well as the newspaper itself?
 No, but I do read an actual newspaper.
b. Why?
 I usually find vlogs, and youtube videos that note the news. I like to watch news, and have someone have an opinion.
15) a. Are the newspapers you read different to the newspapers website?
I’d imagine not too much.

b. If so how?

16) a. Are the newspaper websites political in any way?

b. If so how?

c. Do you like the political content it contains?

17) What type of stories do they have on the newspapers website?

b. i. Which stories do you like/dislike?
I mostly like news that highlight major disasters, or something that may hold a very positive message. I do not enjoy gossipy content.

ii. Why?
 Gossipy type media holds no interest to me as I find it boring, unlike the latter.
18) What is usually the main headline/story and other stories?

19 a. What colours do they usually use?

b. Do you like the colours chosen?
I will say that in a newspaper website, I would like to see a simple range of colors, but rather bright to relate to the younger audience.

c. Do they help persuade you or help in any way for you to read on?
It wouldn’t really, but would be more pleasant for the eye.

20) What adverts are usually used?
I would like to see the adverts placed to the sides of the website, and not be too distracting to the viewer.

21) a. What images did they use?

b. Why do you think they used the images?
I will say that I would like a newspaper website to have a dominant image, but not too many, enough to evaluate the certain headline.

c. Did it work?

22) What type of font/text styles did they use?
I would like to see a clear font/text, that was in the same colour that was used elsewhere on the website.

b. Did you like the font used?

c. Why?