Tuesday 15 April 2014

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions
1) Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living?
 I am Rebecca, 17 years old and I currently studying Photography, Media Studies and IT at A2 Level and am not currently working.
2) What are your interests?
My interest are to do with the arts of Photography.
3) Do you read newspapers online? Why?
 I do read newspapers online and I feel that reading the news online is a much quicker way of reading the stories you want and it is easy to access compared to having to go to a shop and buy a newspaper.

4) Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
 I don't read the news in any other form however I do watch the news on the television as it has the latest headlines which last for 30 minutes and if I haven't been on the internet it is a good source of news.
5) a. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national)
b. Why?
 I am interested in both national and international news but like to hear about local events in my area that I can get involved in.
6) What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
 A range of different stories so that it would keep me entertained for example charity events or sporting achievements.
7) For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example)
 I think a mixture of all those things would interest he majority of people rather than just focusing on one specific area.

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