Tuesday 15 April 2014

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

                                     Audience Profiling For My Website Questions 

Q1: a. Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living? b. What are your interests?
I'm 17 and I'm a student. I am currently studying travel and tourism at college.
Q2: a. How often do you look at newspaper websites? b. Do you read newspapers online? Why? c. Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
I tend to read newspaper websites (daily mail) once/ twice a day - they are always updating it throughout the day and have news which interests me. Apart from the website I sometimes on occasions watch the news on tv.
Q3: a. For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example) b. i. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national) b. ii.. Why? c. What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
For a local newspaper website, it would have to contain recent/ up to date news of situations in the area, as well as upcoming events and things happening in the region. I am more interested in national newspapers than local as they have a wider variety of news than local ones do. To look at a new newspaper website online, it would need to be eyecatching, have pictures and be current with a variety of stories from different categories - worldwide, local, travel, fashion, celebrities etc.
Q4: a. i. What colours do they usually use? a. ii. Do you like the colours chosen? a. iii. Do they help persuade you or help in any way for you to read on? b. i. What type of font/text styles did they use? b. ii. Did you like the font used? b. iii. Why?
The colours are usually black and white - they only colour used is when pictures are included. Seeing an article with a short headline and a picture makes me want to read on. The font used is simple, bold in the headlines, and I like it as it is easy to read.
Q5: What type of layout would you like to have for a newspaper’s website? (eg. hyperlinked pages at the top of the screen)
The layout I'd like to have for a newspaper website would need to be easy to read with a range of eyecatching pictures with hyperlinks to read the articles.
Q6: a. What adverts are usually used? b. i.What images did they use? b. ii.Why do you think they used the images? b. iii. Did it work?
I don't always see adverts on the website - but when I have seen them they are usually adverts promoting their services or a beauty product/ perfume. Images used are usually plain and not as effective as they could be.
Q7: How often do you think newspaper websites are and/or should be updated?
Newspaper websites should be updated all times throughout the day when news is brought up so people are kept up to date with current situations.
Q8: a. Where would you look at a newspaper website? (mobile, computer) b. Would you like to see it available any where else? b. i. Would this make you want to have a look at the website?
I usually look at the website on my mobile. Having it available on computers and tablets would make me want to look at the website.
Q9: a. What do you think the typical age range is for people who read local newspaper websites? b. Do you think there should be a new local newspaper out there which is targeted for a younger audience? c. If so would you or someone you know look at it?
I think the typical age range is 17/18+, depending on the maturity of people. I think there should be a local paper targeted at younger people, I would read it.
Q10: a. i.Do you read the newspapers website as well as the newspaper itself? a. ii b. i. Are the newspapers you read different to the newspapers website? b. ii. If so how?
Sometimes I look at the paper as well as the website. The newspapers I read are not different to the website.

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