Tuesday 15 April 2014

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions
1) Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living?
I am Eddy Ranson, and I am a student in Usworth College.
2) What are your interests?
 I particularly like listening to music, and general sport.
3) Do you read newspapers online? Why?
I do read the newspaper, but no online, as of me liking a piece of media in my hands to be better, I tend to do that.
4) Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
I tend to just type in on a search engine something that relates to news, and look over journals, and blogs.

5) a. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national)
I like both as much.
b. Why?
Whilst I find international news to be more of importance, it is good to know what is happening in, and supporting, my local area.

6) What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
It would usually have to contain the news of anything other than gossip, or celebrity-related news.

7) For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example)
I would like to see a local event being noted, as well as something rather happy to help promote the area in a positive way.

8) What type of layout would you like to have for a newspaper’s website? (eg. hyperlinked pages at the top of the screen)
A rather simplistic layout, that may have references (such as hyperlinks) if needed.

9) How often do you look at newspaper websites?
Pretty much never.

 10) How often do you think they are and/or should be updated?
I belive they may be read rather frequently, and would prefer to see a newspaper updated once a week, or quicker if a major news happening as commenced.

11) a. Where would you look at a newspaper website? (mobile, computer)

b. Would you like to see it available any where else?
It would be useful for it to be available on other forms of media, such as mobiles.

b. i. Would this make you want to have a look at the website?
No, just would be more convenient.

12) a. What do you think the typical age range is for people who read local newspaper websites? 
Generally late teens plus.

b. Do you think there should be a new local newspaper out there which is targeted for a younger audience?

c. If so would you or someone you know look at it?
Perhaps not, but would be good to see a way younger people can slowly progress into enjoying newspapers and the like.

13) Is the newspaper website you read/like political? (if so how are they political and why do you like/dislike it)
I generally don’t read newspaper websites, but if I did, I would like to see it rather political.

14) a. Do you read the newspapers website as well as the newspaper itself?
 No, but I do read an actual newspaper.
b. Why?
 I usually find vlogs, and youtube videos that note the news. I like to watch news, and have someone have an opinion.
15) a. Are the newspapers you read different to the newspapers website?
I’d imagine not too much.

b. If so how?

16) a. Are the newspaper websites political in any way?

b. If so how?

c. Do you like the political content it contains?

17) What type of stories do they have on the newspapers website?

b. i. Which stories do you like/dislike?
I mostly like news that highlight major disasters, or something that may hold a very positive message. I do not enjoy gossipy content.

ii. Why?
 Gossipy type media holds no interest to me as I find it boring, unlike the latter.
18) What is usually the main headline/story and other stories?

19 a. What colours do they usually use?

b. Do you like the colours chosen?
I will say that in a newspaper website, I would like to see a simple range of colors, but rather bright to relate to the younger audience.

c. Do they help persuade you or help in any way for you to read on?
It wouldn’t really, but would be more pleasant for the eye.

20) What adverts are usually used?
I would like to see the adverts placed to the sides of the website, and not be too distracting to the viewer.

21) a. What images did they use?

b. Why do you think they used the images?
I will say that I would like a newspaper website to have a dominant image, but not too many, enough to evaluate the certain headline.

c. Did it work?

22) What type of font/text styles did they use?
I would like to see a clear font/text, that was in the same colour that was used elsewhere on the website.

b. Did you like the font used?

c. Why?

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