Tuesday 15 April 2014

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

Audience Profiling For My Website Questions

1) Can you introduce yourself and who you are and what you do for a living?
 My name is Hannah and I am a student.
2) What are your interests?
 I like to read and write stories, as well as listening to music and drawing.
3) Do you read newspapers online? Why?
 Occasionally because if there are any recent stories or articles I like to read about them.
4) Do you read the news in any other way other than from the newspaper’s website? (if so please state where and why)
5) a. What type of newspaper are you interested in? (local/national)
b. Why?
 The Daily Mirror, Sunderland Echo, The Guardian, BBC. They are the most popular, excluding the Sunderland Echo.
6) What would interest you to look at a new newspaper website online? (what would it have to contain)
 An interesting article that I have heard elsewhere, for example on TV.
7) For a local newspaper website what would it have to contain to interest you into looking at it? (eg. local people/events, please give an example)
 It would have to include something that interests me, or a story I want to learn more about, for example if I have heard about it on the TV or from family and friends.
8) What type of layout would you like to have for a newspaper’s website? (eg. hyperlinked pages at the top of the screen)
 Smart, simple and easy to navigate with clear directions to different parts of the site.
9) How often do you look at newspaper websites?
 Not very often.
10) How often do you think they are and/or should be updated?
 I think they are updated regularly.
11) a. Where would you look at a newspaper website? (mobile, computer)
b. Would you like to see it available any where else?
b. i. Would this make you want to have a look at the website?
12) a. What do you think the typical age range is for people who read local newspaper websites? 
 Probably anywhere from young adults to middle-aged.
b. Do you think there should be a new local newspaper out there which is targeted for a younger audience?
c. If so would you or someone you know look at it?
13) Is the newspaper website you read/like political? (if so how are they political and why do you like/dislike it)
 Most of the websites are because they are the most popular ones and write about a lot of political stories/scandals.
14) a. Do you read the newspapers website as well as the newspaper itself?
 Only the website.
b. Why?
 I don't buy newspapers.
15) a. Are the newspapers you read different to the newspapers website?
b. If so how?
 The layout is different.
16) a. Are the newspaper websites political in any way?
 It depends on which articles you are viewing.
b. If so how?
c. Do you like the political content it contains?
17) What type of stories do they have on the newspapers website?
 Anything varying from scandals and crimes, to wider news from all over the country and other countries.
b. i. Which stories do you like/dislike?
 I don't like anything to do with politics, other articles are interesting however.
ii. Why?
 Because politics doesn't interest me.
18) What is usually the main headline/story and other stories?
 Scandals or other crimes
19 a. What colours do they usually use?
 Bold colours to grab the viewers' attention
b. Do you like the colours chosen?
c. Do they help persuade you or help in any way for you to read on?
20) What adverts are usually used?
 Ones that relate to the article or ads from the internet
21) a. What images did they use?
 Images that relate to the specific article i.e. victims and/or criminals involved in a crime
b. Why do you think they used the images?
 To produce shock factor or empathy.
c. Did it work?
22) What type of font/text styles did they use?
 Bold, professional fonts; usually the headings are capitalised
b. Did you like the font used?
c. Why?
 Because it grabs your attention and draws you in.

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