Thursday 28 November 2013

Time Management & Progress Update

In today's lesson I uploaded images for my articles and uploaded the text for my articles.


I also changed the 'READ MORE' icon to make it stand out more. 

I also added a background layer to make it look similar to my home page; so that I had a house style throughout my website. 

I also added the 'Follow Us' and 'Like Us' icon and linked the icons to my Facebook and Twitter page, which I also created in the lesson. 

I also made a final decision on what my masthead should look like:

Draft for Newspaper Article

For my articles I first thought to look in existing newspapers, so as to get an understanding of what type of articles are in the newspapers and what type of language they used. Below you can see the first drafts of the newspaper articles I have chosen to use:

Local singers get together to raise money for local charities.
After raising money for local charities at school some students just didn't want to stop there. Hannah McCarthy, 17, and Ryan Star, 18, decided to raise money the best way they knew how; sing. The young double act have been performing together since they were at Primary school together and have raised £11, 230 since and continue to fundraise for local charities Grace House and the North of England Children's Cancer Research Fund (NECCR) as 'It's a way in which we can help those that really need it, by doing the thing that we really love.'.

Young artist displays work in exhibition where artists from around the world gather to view her work.
One artist's piece of work from our region has been nominated to be displayed in an exhibition at Newcastle University where artists from Paris to New York, London to Berlin have come to look at Sophie Grey's work, a 19 year old University student who is still studying her first year of Fine Art at Newcastle University. Sophie said that she feels 'really priviledge and honoured to have been given this fantastic opportunity to have these amazingly talented people come from all around the world to see my artwork. It just doesn't happen every day.' Sophie's work was nominated by her lectureres, after seeing her talent, they decided to invite everybody they could to see what they could see.

Bridges' Best Shop
The Bridge's Best Shop Award is a new award which has been designed by the Centre Boss, Andrew Brown, so that 'Shoppers can rate their favourite shops, and at the end of the year, the shop will be awarded The Bridges Best Shop.' The Local has teamed up with The Bridges Best Shop Awards so that our readers can vote for their Best Shop and also be the first to know who is the Bridges Best Shop, when the winner is announced on 15th December 2013. To vote for your Best Shop visit our website at and type in the shop you want to win.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Image Gathering

After taking my images I had to decided on which images I wanted to use and the ones I didn't and the annotations of why I did and didn't are below on the annotated page below:

Progress Update

At the minute I am happy with my product as I have the initial layout sorted, it has text/articles, images to go along with the articles, and adverts, however I still believe that there is still things I need to add to my website to improve it, as more articles need to be added, and the overall presentation of the website needs improvement as well as the completion of the other web pages, including hyperlinks etc.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Time Management/Progress Update

From doing research and looking at existing newspapers I have changed the idea for my newspaper masthead as it doesn't stick to the conventions or look professional and so I have changed it from the below image:

To the below image as I believe this looks more professional and sticks to the conventions more:

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Time Management

I have created my publisher for my newspaper products. My initial idea for my newspaper publisher can be seen below:

For the NE (North East) part of my publishing logo I have decided to use the Gill Sans Ultra Bold font (the first font at the left) as it is bold, stands out and looks the most similar to the type of font I wanted. I wanted this type of font as it is bold and it makes the whole logo stand out, however unlike other fonts it is readable.

For the Publishing part of my publishing logo I have decided to use the American Typewriter font as it looks exactly how I wanted it to look. I wanted this type of font as when i think of publishing I think of text and I thought this old fashioned style font looked right.
The final font design for my newspaper products publisher can be seen below:

I decided to use blue for the NE part of my logo, so that it keeps in with my newspapers' colour palette.

Time Management

I have also creating my logo for my newspaper, newspaper website and newspaper poster. To do this I thought of many different logos and came up with these:
I then decided to do the first idea on the above page, and so I created a newspaper silhouette image, using an existing image so that I had a good idea of what to create. 
I then used the Polygonal Lasso Tool, tracing around the image and then I used the Brush Tool and filled it in, which eventually created the below image. 

I then created text for my logo as this is what my products would be called. The font I used for this is the font. I decided to use this font as it looks clear, bold and a bit different. This can be seen below:

I then decided to warp the text so that it looked like it was actually printed on my newspaper. To do this I Free Transformed the image, I then right clicked and then clicked Warp and then I dragged the corners of the squares so that it looked like it was going around the newspaper. I then decided to change the colour of my text to blue so as to keep to the colour palette of my newspaper products.


Monday 18 November 2013

Time Management

During research for my products I have been trying to think about tag lines/sell lines for my product as this is what they use in real life products and so below are the ideas that I came up with whilst in class:

Ideas For Tag Line/Sell Line

-The only place to get news about our local area
-The no.1 place to get news in your local area
-The Local news about local people

Friday 15 November 2013

Time Management/ Progress Update

On having done some more research on newspaper posters I have decided to change the layout and design of my flat plan for my newspaper poster as you can see below it isn't really using the space effectively to advertise that my newspaper is a new up-and-coming newspaper for the local people.

I have decided to change the flat plan so that when it comes to creating my poster it
will look like this:

I have decided to use this type of newspaper advertising for my poster as it is simple, it uses a tag line/sell line, it uses their masthead and gives readers an insight into the newspaper as it is humorous yet it also sticks to the colour conventions and layout conventions of The Sun newspaper as it uses the red, black and white and a simple layout structure which is done to draw their target audience to the poster/newspaper.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Time Management - Draft for an Article for my Website and my Inspiration

Fashion Week
By Rachel Black
If there is one thing that designers always agree on, it's that fashion is forever changing and moving in all directions, and this week is no different as designers from our local area have rolled up their sleeves and stitched a few hems to create their very own take on design, just in time for Christmas. The creative designs have been put on display and a few of them can be seen below:

Some of my inspiration for this article came from this website:

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Time Management

I have been creating the images to go on my newspaper website. I have done this by finding an image of the famous North East landmarks, I then used the Polygonal Lasso Tool, clicking around the image, then filled the piece of the image which I selected in black using the Brush tool. To create the lines between the Millennium Bridge, the Tyne Bridge and Newcastle Monument, I used the Line Tool, so that it looked more like the actual landmark. I have also used the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select the piece of image I want to make a silhouette. I also used the Magic Wand, then used the Brush Tool, then went over and used the same technique as I did with the Polygonal Lasso Tool. The same techniques I have used to create all of the below landmark silhouettes.  

The final images can be seen below:

I then put them all on one photoshop page, so that I could create my North East Skyline. To create the below image I selected the Rectangle Tool to create the black panel at the bottom. I then placed them on the rectangle to make it look as though they were resting on the rectangle/ground.

Next I selected each landmark individually and the rectangular shape, then clicked on the Magic Wand Tool, then clicked the Paint Bucket Tool, then choose a blue colour from the colour palette so that it fit in with my colour scheme. The finished result can be seen below.

Time Management

For Next Thursday
Planning for your photos/photoshoot (message actors/check their availability, prepare props and costumes)

Rough draft of your company logo (hand drawn idea)

Set up your companies social networks (Twitter, Facebook for posters and articles)

IDEA: As it is a local paper about local people and local landscape and events, it may be a good idea to have silhouettes of the local landscape; Penshaw Monument, Angel of the North, Baltic, Souter lighthouse, Durham cathedral, Newcastle gateshead keyside – tyne bridge

Publisher - think of who it is/could be

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Time Management

I am currently working on my website task, I have chosen my style (coach) for my website and have added article text and images to my articles. During this lesson I'm going to do continue to progress further on my website task, I'm going to add more images, add some more text to the images, have a look at the colour palette of my newspaper website, and have a look at my layout to make sure it keeps to the conventions of a newspaper website and still looks like a newspaper website.

Monday 11 November 2013

Plans for Photoshoot 2

I am planning to take more photos as the previous images I had taken were more on location and so I need to take more in the studio. The photographs I am planning to take are going to be a medium shot of my model. I am also planning to go the drama part of the college and get a few location shots of my model on stage so that it looks real, rather than her being copied in.

I have emailed my model to check her availablilty which can be seen below:

Sunday 10 November 2013


From doing the photoshoot I was able to find out that for all I took a variety of photos of different things, I still need to take more photos of my models using different shot types eg. close up, medium close up, long shot, and so I need to do another photoshoot.

Plan: I need to book out a camera, book the studio out at Shiney Row College, and make sure that my models are available for the next photoshoot. I've already asked another person to be in my next photoshoot so that my images won't all be of the same people.

Friday 8 November 2013

Time Management

I'm currently up-to-date, I've started my website and took photos for my website's articles and some advertisements. By Tuesday I need to have done a proper draft for my website, and so over the week I have been working on the above and will be finishing it off over the weekend, so that it is ready for Tuesday.

For Thursday I need to have planned my photos/photoshoot (message actors/check their availability, prepare props and costumes), drawn out a rough draft of my company logo, set up my companies social networking sites  (Twitter, Facebook) for my poster and articles and I also need to draw out a rough draft of my newspaper publisher.

Whilst doing some more research for my newspaper I had an idea; as it is a local paper about local people and local landscape and events, it may be a good idea to have silhouettes of the local landscape; Penshaw Monument, Angel of the North etc.