Tuesday 19 November 2013

Time Management

I have created my publisher for my newspaper products. My initial idea for my newspaper publisher can be seen below:

For the NE (North East) part of my publishing logo I have decided to use the Gill Sans Ultra Bold font (the first font at the left) as it is bold, stands out and looks the most similar to the type of font I wanted. I wanted this type of font as it is bold and it makes the whole logo stand out, however unlike other fonts it is readable.

For the Publishing part of my publishing logo I have decided to use the American Typewriter font as it looks exactly how I wanted it to look. I wanted this type of font as when i think of publishing I think of text and I thought this old fashioned style font looked right.
The final font design for my newspaper products publisher can be seen below:

I decided to use blue for the NE part of my logo, so that it keeps in with my newspapers' colour palette.

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