Friday 8 November 2013

Time Management

I'm currently up-to-date, I've started my website and took photos for my website's articles and some advertisements. By Tuesday I need to have done a proper draft for my website, and so over the week I have been working on the above and will be finishing it off over the weekend, so that it is ready for Tuesday.

For Thursday I need to have planned my photos/photoshoot (message actors/check their availability, prepare props and costumes), drawn out a rough draft of my company logo, set up my companies social networking sites  (Twitter, Facebook) for my poster and articles and I also need to draw out a rough draft of my newspaper publisher.

Whilst doing some more research for my newspaper I had an idea; as it is a local paper about local people and local landscape and events, it may be a good idea to have silhouettes of the local landscape; Penshaw Monument, Angel of the North etc.

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