Thursday 28 November 2013

Draft for Newspaper Article

For my articles I first thought to look in existing newspapers, so as to get an understanding of what type of articles are in the newspapers and what type of language they used. Below you can see the first drafts of the newspaper articles I have chosen to use:

Local singers get together to raise money for local charities.
After raising money for local charities at school some students just didn't want to stop there. Hannah McCarthy, 17, and Ryan Star, 18, decided to raise money the best way they knew how; sing. The young double act have been performing together since they were at Primary school together and have raised £11, 230 since and continue to fundraise for local charities Grace House and the North of England Children's Cancer Research Fund (NECCR) as 'It's a way in which we can help those that really need it, by doing the thing that we really love.'.

Young artist displays work in exhibition where artists from around the world gather to view her work.
One artist's piece of work from our region has been nominated to be displayed in an exhibition at Newcastle University where artists from Paris to New York, London to Berlin have come to look at Sophie Grey's work, a 19 year old University student who is still studying her first year of Fine Art at Newcastle University. Sophie said that she feels 'really priviledge and honoured to have been given this fantastic opportunity to have these amazingly talented people come from all around the world to see my artwork. It just doesn't happen every day.' Sophie's work was nominated by her lectureres, after seeing her talent, they decided to invite everybody they could to see what they could see.

Bridges' Best Shop
The Bridge's Best Shop Award is a new award which has been designed by the Centre Boss, Andrew Brown, so that 'Shoppers can rate their favourite shops, and at the end of the year, the shop will be awarded The Bridges Best Shop.' The Local has teamed up with The Bridges Best Shop Awards so that our readers can vote for their Best Shop and also be the first to know who is the Bridges Best Shop, when the winner is announced on 15th December 2013. To vote for your Best Shop visit our website at and type in the shop you want to win.

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